SOLD – Knotts Ranch


SOLD – Knotts Ranch

1034 acres located near Point of Rocks Landmark, a promontory along the historic Santa Fe National Historic Trail that guided early settlers to the area. in northeastern New Mexico. The ranch is capable of running 40 to 50 cow units annually, depending on the moisture conditions. Take I–25 to Springer.N. M..then highway 56 East to Hwy 193,… north approximately 2 miles to Farley. NM.. on 10 mi to pavement ends then 1/4 mile take first left proceed then 4 mi to old stone barn follow trail south thru two gates.

This ranch is in NE New Mexico about 50 miles southeast Raton, 35 miles east of Springer, & 46 miles west of Clayton. Has an older homestead site adding significance to this spectacular ranch. A solar well supplies water to the cattle and wildlife on the west portion of this property the site dated 1923, is surrounded by cottonwood and aspen trees along the Holkeo creek.

Price $454,000.00