
Mountain View Ranch – SOLD


SOLD: Mountain View Ranch is located ~10 miles east of Maxwell, New Mexico. The ranch consists of ~2200 deeded acres. The terrain is rolling with portion of two creeks located on the ranch. The ranch has three wells. The improvements includes two recently drilled wells with solar pumps that feeds into a water line consisting of two large fiberglass drinkers and a ~12,000 gallon storage tank and also two small fiberglass tanks. There is a shallow windmill located on the northwest corner of the ranch with limited production of water. There is also a small set of metal pens constructed recently on the south end of the ranch with a fenced trap and water located around the pens for working cattle. The ranch is cross-fenced into two pastures and one trap. The ranch has been used typically for yearling operation in the summer months to carry ~150 head. The average rainfall in this area is ~15 to 16 inches of precipitation annually. Antelope are abundant on the ranch. Occasionally a deer or elk could be seen with ample numbers of both species being on the adjoining ranch to the east.The excellent turf consist of typical Northeastern New Mexico varieties of grama, buffalo grass and blue stems. The taxes for 2009 are ~$230.00. For more information contact: RAYMOND RIVALE 575 207 7484 email: rivale@bacavalley.com

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SOLD – Mountain View Ranch is located ~10 miles east of Maxwell, New Mexico. The ranch consists of ~2200 deeded acres. The terrain is rolling with portion of two creeks located on the ranch. The ranch has three wells. The improvements includes two recently drilled wells with solar pumps that feeds into a water line consisting of two large fiberglass drinkers and a ~12,000 gallon storage tank and also two small fiberglass tanks. There is a shallow windmill located on the northwest corner of the ranch with limited production of water. There is also a small set of metal pens constructed recently on the south end of the ranch with a fenced trap and water located around the pens for working cattle. The ranch is cross-fenced into two pastures and one trap. The ranch has been used typically for yearling operation in the summer months to carry ~150 head. The average rainfall in this area is ~15 to 16 inches of precipitation annually. Antelope are abundant on the ranch. Occasionally a deer or elk could be seen with ample numbers of both species being on the adjoining ranch to the east.The excellent turf consist of typical Northeastern New Mexico varieties of grama, buffalo grass and blue stems. The taxes for 2009 are ~$230.00.
For more information contact:
575 207 7484
email: rivale@bacavalley.com

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